Weather Information

Just curious as to where you guys aggregate your weather data from? On our airfield our local AWIB supplies our metservice with it’s current information (wind strength, direction, gusts, temp etc) and was just curious if the data i’m being shown on my device is from that source

Hi @joedyson - we currently use a number of weather sources depending on where you are in the world. Let me know which dropzone you are referencing and I will find out which data source we use

Cheers @Brent, specifically thinking of Skydive Taupo and Taupo Tandem Skydiving

For both Skydive Taupo and Taupo Tandem Skydiving we currently get data from several aggregated Weather stations but the primary data is coming from IWAIKATO135

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@brent cheers for that man, it’s good to know. What’s the likelihood of being able to change a primary weather source? Obviously when we’re at work we’re monitoring the wind, but it would be cool to have a weather source that’s not 3kms away and on the low side of a hill :wink:

the possibility is high. however, this is definitely low on the priority list. we’ve got some exciting features we’re working on first

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@brent yeah, of course! excited about what’s to come :slight_smile:

Hey there. Which weathersources are you using for Paracentro Switzerland?

What would be the possibility of loading wind data from the DZ weather station?

I believe the weather data all comes from the closest weather stations, I can ask the devs though. Which DZ?