Visualize your jump in 3D

If you haven’t yet uploaded your GPX data files to, you need to give it a shot. Check out all this awesomeness


This is awesome Darrin…better than Google Earth…I love the play back feature


Very nice… how can I control things like playback speed etc… or does that require some sort of premium account?
Very nice

On the bottom corner of the playback screen there is a tortoise and a hare. Click on these icons to speed up or slow down the playback.

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i just seem to always be OFF by 1000 feet cause my landing is always “in the air” anything i can do have the REAL altitude ?

These altitudes seem to match what is in the Dekunu Cloud portal, it appears to be off by the number of ft. ASL for wherever you are. I made a post under bugs and issues to report this.

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How/where do you convert from csv to gpx?

On the cloud portal there is an option to download in GPX instead of CSV

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Would be really cool to have your speed integrated into the cloud 3-D map video. Thoughts?


fed back for you :slight_smile: