Upload Logbook - don´t work 100%

:rofl: I thought you had just woke up @mutley scratch that, go to bed!!

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It just means my body clock is set to your time zone while located in the uk :joy:

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New found problem:

I did 6 bigways yesterday. During the day: there was only a red bubble with the number 5 in it instead of 6 (2nd jump didn’t count up). At the end of the day I switched it off and when I came home back on for uploading to the cloud and suddenly there was a red bubble with number 6 in it.

Today I check my cloud: 6 jumps from yesterday are uploaded with the correct date. - I just checked the logbook on my device and the 3 first jumps are logged on yesterday and the 3 last jumps on today (the hours of the jumps are correct)

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@stirre That is interesting, so the Cloud is correct? I will feed that back, thank you.

Not sure why, but some of the jumps are refusing to upload to the cloud.
Photos attached.

Some of the jumps done today have uploaded, lots from previous jumps have uploaded but there is a block that is refusing to upload.
I can’t figure out why, and I can’t figure out how to force it or clear it.

Any advice?

I’ve also had the device shut down (I assumed it ran out of power) and be totally unresponsive to touch screen. The noticed that it came back on under canopy and showed 0ft (moved up and down a bit but never went to negative)
Have the video on one of the cameras if you need it.

No idea why it did it or how to get it to do it again / trigger it to happen.

Managed to get the log book to upload by turning the device off and on, and then re-enabling the network connection.
Took a while, but it cleared the jumps one by one.

@SkydiveNow glad you were able to get them all cleared - this is a known bug since the last FW update which is currently being worked on, hope to have a fix asap!