Share jump data (with instructors)

Last weekend I showed the map and 3D visuals of a jump to an instructor, who was very fascinated by all that data (and had lots of questions for me to answer! :wink:

He asked me if it was possible to share the data, so he could use it as an example during AFF courses.

---- REQUEST ----
I think it would be very neat if I could select a jump, and share it with another Dekunu Cloud account, so that they could see all the data and visualise it the same way I can do now.

Being able to share the data, have an instructor analyse the jump and interrogate me is scary on one hand (there is nothing I can hide ;). But at the same time it really makes me so much aware of all the aspects that comes with skydiving.

Hey @PeterMuusers - thanks for the feedback. Good news, we have been work on this feature and plan for it’s release in the next month or two… hopefully.


Awesome! Ample time to get myself ready for the questions from my instructor!! :wink:

Thanks for your quick reply!