Self Server cloud

Please allow us the opportunity to self server our data,
This will allow us to store our own data on other platforms or even on our own data servers for those of use that have them.


Second this. Based on the recent email which looks to be saying Dekunu Cloud may move/shutdown, it would be great if you could build/provide a local version for 3d mapping/stats etc.


Hopefully this happens, then maybe the data thats uploaded will appear where it should,
Half my logs from the weekend arent showing

If Dekunu is calling it quits, I think it would be sweet if they open-sourced everything and made Dekunu a community-developed product/service!


I came to the forum to ask this very question. I’d love to self host. The Dekunu has so many quality of life features that I do not want to be without.

It would also be such a waste to entirely lose this product and software. It could live on in opensource and generate new ideas to benefit the community.


I would also like to have this capability.

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I hope they manage to keep the cloud servers running :frowning: The guy who owns Dekunu runs a whole bunch of PoS systems and software for the hospitality industry, so I guess all we can hope for is that it can be piggybacked off that infra.

Future state I personally would be happy to pay a subscription for the cloud services, if it means that’s maintained.

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man something, anything to let us know that someone at dekunu is still alive here would be great. We want it to be open sourced because it has been over a month and having many issues with no responses from dekunu…

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Another vote for self server and open source.

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Has anyone got a KML files from the cloud that were available a while back that they’d be happy to share? Also has anyone ever tried to figure out how plane climb, exit, deployment etc. were calculated. Again, it would be great if these formulas were shared so we could process our own CSV logs.

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Just FYI if they actually respond to any of you, I have a data center where I can host vm’s for this for free just as long as it is being kept alive. :slight_smile:

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