leave altimeter to a friend

Good morning, I’m new to the dekunu altimeter, and I’m teaching it in the dropzone where I jump, there are friends who ask me to try it, but my question is, will that jump be registered as mine? If I want to delete it, I have read that you have to send an email to Dekunu to delete it from the cloud, when updating the device, would it also be deleted from it?


Hi @britta and welcome to the Dekunu Community :slight_smile:
You have a couple of options when loaning your device to a friend. They can create their own Dekunu profile and log into the device using their own details prior to jumping. Any actions will then sync to their own profile and they can log in and check out their stats and 3D viz at any time.
Alternatively, you can shoot us an email (or mark the action for review) and we can either delete the action or move it to your friends profile if they set one up later. :slight_smile:

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