In a holding pattern

Due to unprecedented global circumstances the ability to feasibly produce new Dekunu devices has been depleted.

The team has exhausted every avenue in an attempt to restart manufacturing but with no visible light at the end of the tunnel some tough decisions have to be made.

Therefore, Dekunu is on hold until the situation changes.

Updates on restock will be posted on social media as soon as that light shines down that tunnel…

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

The Team @ Dekunu

What does this mean for existing Dekunu users?
You shouldn’t notice anything. The Dekunu Cloud Portal and Device API will remain fully functional - There should be no change to your device or cloud experience.

Customer support will continue to be available with a reduced capacity


Just wondering if the company has a 2023 update?

Still loving my device, just wondering if there is a roadmap or an idea, or anything we can do as a community to help?

All respect and love!


Be good to hear some news from the Dekunu team, even if just to check in and say hi :slight_smile:

Have a Yepzon ONE and saw those guys went bust this week; does worry me if you guys aren’t generating any revenue how you’re covering the cloud costs? I am sure existing customers wouldn’t actually mind paying a nominal fee to support the cloud services if it came to it?


In my opinion Dekunu gets an F for failure. I am and have been disappointed with this device and the cloud. Both the device and ‘the cloud’ have been filled with glitches. The concept is great, the hardware not so. The cloud means that all my jump info is free data to be used by Dekunu for whatever they choose to do with it. I watched a YouTube video of the owner talking about how the data can be used.

I like how there is 0 answers about this in more than a year.
It would be great to have an open conversation about this, I know there is lots of IT oriented people who would love to help with this project, there is lots of people who could help with the data center resources and licences. But all that goes to bits.
Me personally, I would like to have an open coversation on what is actually going on, are you still not able to buy chips or it is just the question of money now? sooner or later this has to go somewhere, do you have a plan? do you want to kill the product or do you want to make it open source? Or you are waiting for enough users to drop out to just kill it? There is millions of questions and millions of answers, as well as millions of options to go about this issue, and I do not accept the notion that you have depleted all options to continue working when other companies are launching same type of product and somehow they are still working.

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Yearly check in. We are now in 2024 and it’s been radio silent for 2 years.

And we talk about the future? Any updates? Version 2 visions? A roadmap for coming back / exit strategy? Open source the project and let us work on it?