Dropzone Landing Area Update - User Input

Hi Tracyā€¦

I visit Switzerland :switzerland: for an amazing jump out of an dc-3 but Iā€™m not shure is the landing zone known in my one.

For all, maybe a dz list, sorted by country would be helpful?!

In my case Iā€™m looking for

MonbƩliard (F) And Kappelen (CH)

When my tee is washed, maybe there is a photo possible.


Hey Tracy,

Can you please add Sunshine Coast Skydivers - Skydive Caloundra.
26Ā°48ā€™13.7"S 153Ā°06ā€™24.8"E
-26.803802, 153.106892

And Byron too, coords for the pea pit:
28Ā°35ā€™44.4"S 153Ā°32ā€™50.2"E
-28.595678, 153.547279


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@US522 Is this MonbƩliard?

I think the Kappelen DZ may be ā€˜Swiss Boogieā€™? I have updated that drop zone on the Cloud with all of the info from their website, I did notice a calendar of events that included DC-3 jumps so it must be the correct DZ.
You donā€™t half get around! Iā€™m not jealous at allā€¦

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@gemhodges Thanks Gem, I have sent you a quick email, Byron landing areas are already on the Cloud but added Sunny Coast for you.

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Thanks Tracy, is the reason I couldnā€™t find Byron in the dz list because it wasnā€™t in my cloud as a preferred dz? Or is this a bug I should raise?

Can you put Vectorfest - Skydive Pink Klatovy in the database please. I expect it will be used by a lot of Dekunu users this month. :slight_smile:

K LetiÅ”ti, 573, Chaloupky, 339 01 Klatovy, TsjechiĆ«
49.419516, 13.323843

Main landing area: 49.419120, 13.323932
Swoop pond: 49.420302, 13.324915


@stirre added for you, thanks heaps :slight_smile:

Hey @gemhodges, I believe it would be because the GPS was not syncing with satellites, the device picks up your nearest DZ based on that. If Byron had been in your regular DZā€™s it would have shown up either way. No need to report, the fix is on its way, hopefully the weather improves a bit and we can complete the test jumps before the weekend!

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Hey Tracy, please add Skydive Stadtlohn Germany

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@Valkyrie84 done :slight_smile:

Du solltest keinen Valkyrie springen, Du kriegst ja nicht mal ne FlugzeugtĆ¼r auf ohne Dir weh zu tun. :stuck_out_tongue:

GrĆ¼sse aus Frankfurt

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hahahaha :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Please change the dropzone Germany - Fallschirmsportclub MĆ¼nster E.v. to this GPS coordinates.

Currently it is located in Africa somewhere close the equator.
The street addres is correct though.


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I cannot find the Vectorfest - Skydive Pink Klatovy in the database.

BR, Bruce

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It should be in the DB as Skydive Pink Klatovy.

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Here is a link to that drop zone @stirre

Ok found it, but Skydive Pink Klatovy is in the database twice.
ID 318 and ID 2037.

Is 2037 for the Vectorfest only?


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@Bruce well spotted, 2037 will be removed. Only 318 should be on the Cloud, it should be corrected in the next day or two. Thanks!

My home DZ, Skydive Spaceland Houston, is already uploaded, but landing areas are not. I would love to have this added to my DZ!!! Landing areas are as follows:

Yellow: UPSA D license and above
Red: General landing for all
Purple: Swoop pond and alternate landing area- open to all with any pattern (left handed preferred but not required in alternate area)

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@clcaruthers I have added the landing areas as points (separated the swoop and alternate landing areas), I will be able to highlight an entire area soon as well as any hazards like power lines etc.
Thank you :slight_smile: