Hey guy´s yesterday i did two ballon jumps from 1500m - to 1000m delay from ~15 seconds.
The Altimeter don´t count the time till opening?!
I think the problem was the 3m per seconds that the ballon lost altitude befor we exit…
i think the dekunu is in the “Canopy”-Mode befor the exit comes.
Is there anything you switch in the “Basejumping” Mode that fix would this problem when you bring it?
Hey Yoschi,
keen to understand the behaviour a bit further.
Are you saying that the log was not registered on the device or that some other time was incorrect?
Do you recall if the device went into the plane mode? It should read altitude, ground speed, heading, distance to target etc.
the problem was, when the ballon startet to lose some altitude to jump out ~3m per second the device go in the “jumping” mode. So that the “real” jump over 12-15 seconds the device don´t count the real jump time, only the 2 seconds where the ballon lost altitude.
Hi @Yoschi, we are aware that some of the modes are a little too sensitive, we have been working a lot on this and an update will be rolled out with a fix soon. Until then, it would be good if you could ‘mark for review’ on any of your logs that are inaccurate (on your Cloud profile).
This will flag the log entry for the developers to analyse and they can fix it up for you.
Thanks for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated.