Dekunu One App? 🧐

You should definitely make a iOS & Android app! Having all the data, logbooks, ability to see the 3D view jumps, and etc… I think it would be a better experience, since we are always using our smart phones and would be faster to access it. I don’t know if anyone has said this idea, but I think it would be amazing to have that.


I fully support the starter topic, application for ios must have

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I 100% agree with this OP. I currently have the cloud quick tab saved onto my home screen but an app would definitely be more user friendly :slightly_smiling_face:


I second this motion!

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Yeah! App would be fine! What’s the status Tracy?


Dekunu One iOS app - That would be absolutely amazing…


I guess you don’t even have to dev an Android nor iOS app. A progressive web app would be good enough, I’m developing it at my work and today’s mobile browser are fast enough to handle the job. I’d be glad to help for free for this task. I’m also currently developing an app for plane loads on DZ maybe we can make it compatible. I’d love to hear from you regarding your web app.

Best regards.


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I can give it a push on the dev roadmap seeing as it seems to be a popular request atm :slight_smile:
@didiercapozzi I will let the team know about your kind offer too

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Yes 100%! And the ability to locally download jumps over Bluetooth would be amazing