Dekunu Cloud Portal

Anyone know if the cloud portal will stay up and running? And does anyone here have access to contacting anyone with Dekunu? So that we can chat with them about obtaining the pertinent info for the creation of a community based trouble-shooting platform…! I bought my dekunu this year and was under the impression that we would have these tools available for the unforeseen future. If that happens to not be the case then may as well had lit $500 on fire.

Dekunu sent out an email on the 16th of July saying,

“Currently, the future of the Dekunu Cloud is undecided. Options are being explored, including transferring to a third party or adjusting its functionality to allow total data exports. Please be assured that until a final decision is made, both the Dekunu Cloud and the device API will remain fully operational.”

I expressed my interest in being a potential third party. I had a reply saying they’d get back to me but I’ve heard nothing more yet.


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Dekunu. What?
You go ahead and make the best altimeter, Barely give it a chance to truly “take off,” then stop producing them, then ask about it’s future, and than basically say “yeah, we’re about done with this so uhhh… yeah… we’ll be in touch.”
Just sell it! The whole business. To someone who cares stonger. Or… just open-source it!
In truth, ive always wanted one of these. I first learned about the Dekunu One in January of 2022. I couldn’t afford one at the time and when I was able to, they had stopped selling them. Now I find one in great condition for a fair price, and you say that it might become a paperweight soon?!?!

Dekunu. This is not a hard decision. Step aside. Give it away. We want it. Just let go. Green light has been on for awhile. Jump already!!!

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Just FYI, I already told this in another post but I am ready to host the servers for free in my data center. So at the moment we as a community resources to keep it alive and I think even work with future upgrades :slight_smile:

so, after logs failing to upload, the cloud being inaccessible 90% of the time, Data being inaccurate and hardware failing.
I have shelved my unit and decided to invest in an LB Ares 2.

I am in talks with another company who are currently in the Dev Stage, but I must say, I have become very apprehensive with going down this rout again with new Smart Altis.