Can't seem to record my jumps as Skydiving (as opposed to Paramotoring)

I’ve looked all through the settings on the dekunu, it appears I just have it set to student…
But on the it keeps adding them to my logbook with “Paramotoring” as the type…
Here are the jump numbers.
Is there a setting I need to change that I’m just not seeing?
Thanks for your time.


@Bobby_Blizzard It’s not you, it’s us :rofl: I will get these actions corrected for you but the actual ‘fix’ is going to be in the next firmware release so you will most likely see some more random paramotoring logs in the meantime. A little annoying i’m sure but we have to fully test the firmware before making it available to the public, shouldn’t be too long though!

p.s. the team love your nickname vs. real name, amazing :rofl:

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