Can’t use the case as where the split is
This is a case you cutted a hole for charging in?
On a positive note,
I was able to use a bit of gaffatape to hold the case in place to get it up on the big way sun set hop & pop.
oh hell yes that’s an epic shot @mutley hahahaha love the gaffa tape job. will have you sorted in no time with a new one
I just received my new bumper case, and also the new one is miss aligned with the USB charging port and the power button. I thought we got a free new one because the other ones was faulty…?
That photo dose the jump no justice what so ever, 12 years of jumping and it’s up there in my top 5 jumps ever.
I was there too. Sooooo lovely
Hi, no sure to post at the right place but my bump case started to split in a corner too. Nothing too bad for now. So, I wonder if any of the Dekunu team member is going to Vector Festival with a bunch of new bump case? As we have HUGE customs duties (I had to pay a extra 94 euros as I’m living in FRANCE!!!) it could be a good Idea! Thanks!
That would be a nice idea! I will be on vectorfest too and a charging cable would also be very very welcome.
Standby… I will see if we have any of the crew headed over
@stirre and @Pierre
It just so happens, Irish is headed over to MC at Vectorfest, I will make sure he has some charging cables with him, if there is anything else you need, shoot me an email
My bumper case split this weekend but it was one I’d modified to allow access to the USB port so I blame myself. Is there an improved version of the case being worked on, I might wait a bit before ordering a replacement?!
@Evilgenius Not yet, I will get you a spares pack sent over with Irish, the new USB cable enables charging while the device is in the bumper, I also have replacement power buttons that have already been attached to the front part of the device casing, one of those will be in each pack.
OMG, I remember the last Vector with Irish, this guy is a awesome MC and we did some daily video…my god, I hope internet will forget … Anyway that’s a good news, I will need the new cable and a replacement L Bumper case if it’s possible. Thanks!