Battery problem after UpDate

Hello guys, after FW update I have experienced battery charge drop after 2 days of unit rest but, this time after about 16h of charge is it at about 56% of charge capacity!

Mine was plugged in for almost two days non stop while being turned off. Switched it on right now: 94,7%. USB Output was an iPad plug with 5,1V and 2,1A. Used cable was the original Dekunu cable.

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@1913 received your email to support, will have the techs help your troubleshoot at the lab tomorrow

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Same charging set up as yours, now after 1day and half it is @98% but still in charge!

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Hi @1913 I have sent you an email about this.

after the update i jump 12 jumps in 3 day´s, somettimes i don´t turn of the device between the jumps and the batterie was empty at the last day,…

for me good work to fix the batterie problem.
I hope it wasn´t luck =P

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